Welcome to the Inner Me
Perspective on life
We all want one thing in life, and that is to be Happy. There are an infinite number of ways to make this happen. So I want to help make a step towards the future that creates Happiness.
I have kids, and by me working and being in separated houses, I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like. This has been making me think of ways that would make seeing them easier.
I’m Selfless with Selfish Thoughts. I want a better life, Everyone wants a better life. Ok, So what is a better life for everyone?…
I want to help Humankind take that next Step towards a Happier life for everyone, We as Humans need to do what we do best.
Creature of the Dark
Taking Steps Towards the Light
My Soul Transformed Grey
My Calling - Unity
To be honest, Im tired of a Society driven through Capitalism. During the development of Humanity, Yes it what was used. But now that there is more than enough people in the world, A new system is needs to be created that is better for everyone.
I don’t want an unjust, Unfair system to rise into power when I have ideas on a way where Happiness and Opportunity reign.
So here I am, Building ideas that would make a transitional switch between a world ran by money and A Future I See
We can all come together and live in a world united. United with everyone’s Voice and the agreement to give your best towards the tasks that contribute to not only to your survival but the level of comfortability you want in your life.
Life Goals
A world Created when I was younger, I now write stories about this world called Eleous. Enjoy the Sagas and Tales of this world crafted by 10 Elemental Deities.
Making video games is a dream of mine, So I decided to make a VR FPS Survival Shooter. Basic. I know, but we all have to start somewhere.
Im looking for Change. A Change in the Way We Live, the Way we all work together, the Way we Value Ourselves and Humanity. These thoughts flow through my head and It’s time I share them with the ones that are willing to listen.
Let’s redefine humanity into something everyone can enjoy. We have the Technology, We just need the Unity.
Self Reflection
Over my life, I have noticed that My Star Sign really is a Version of myself that defines my actions. From a young age without life experience, I didn’t understand what the Words meant, and they didn’t match the person who I thought I was. Years Later, I read these same words and realized that every decision I made in my life had these influences supporting them… Without even knowing. It even Validates why Im having these thoughts to getting my ideas out there, from my perspective anyways
I scored a 77 in Extraversion
Because I have a 41 in Enthusiasm, and a 92 in Assertiveness.
This confused me because most of the time I am an introvert. I try not to disrespect people or get in their way. But I think I am an Extrovert the moment you talk to me. I'm not enthusiastic, but I enjoy things and express them in my own unique way, but I’m Really just enjoying the moment so much that I don't worry about expressing it. My assertiveness kicks in on things I am most passionate about or something has bothered me so much, It needs to be fixed. And I wouldn’t want them to be poorly done, due to my Industriousness, and I'm kind of a perfectionist who can just accept and move on. So If it's something I care about, I'll stand up for it or make it known. And here I am, Taking that step. Let's make the world easier to live in.
I scored a 14 in Neuroticism
Because I have a 19 in Withdrawal, and 14 in Volatility.
I don't worry, I have been in enough situations in my life and have created thousands of fake ones to be prepared with things that could happen but probably never will. I understand this world for what it is and each decision was made is indefinite. With being this Acceptable my withdrawal is low and I don't get anxiety or other feelings unless I don't know the answer. So I always find an answer. When I try to find why, The only thing I can see is I enjoy being alone.
The only judgment is what I give myself. As I grew up being the youngest, I felt judgment from the other families. Then when we played together, I was the slowest, and was always left out. I’m glad I learned those lessons at a young age. Numb to the judgment, Accepting my path.
With treating others the way I want to be treated, Well I want respect. So I give everyone that respect and that's not Volatile, Unless you pass that acceptable threshold.
So I took a Dr Jordan B Peterson’s Personality test and it made me self reflect into why I act certain ways. Not a “this is me”, But this is my personality right now and It's the one I like being.
I scored a 43 in Agreeableness
Because I have a 65 in politeness, and a 25 in compassion.
I respect everyone, and treat them how I would like to be treated. I believe that's my politeness. As an empathetic Cancer, I relate their story to an event that has happened to me, So I feel what they felt. I become Sympathetic not Compassionate.
I scored a 38 in Conscientiousness
I have a 62 in Industriousness, and a 20 in Orderliness.
I am proud of my work and I try my hardest because that's how I would like people around me to be. My order is really low because as long as no one touches my stuff, I know exactly where I left it. And I don't think that has to do with orderliness to the degree of the test. I live in a chaotic mind where my memory is reference based. As long as I can reference it, I can remember it.
I scored a 75 in Openness
Because I have a 78 in Intellect, and a 63 in Aesthetics.
I live in a world of concepts. I take items and try to understand their purpose, How they work, and what could be better. I live in the moment and enjoy the beauty in everything. We are all beautiful beings, unless we are being wicked, then you're ugly. Nature, Human Creation, it doesn't matter. All things have beauty. And I really think this is why I can't stand living in this world the way it's designed.It is only a miracle that we have gotten this far. But now I want to take the next step.
I love knowing, Whoever reads this will get a different version of me based on their own perspective.
Accept our Uniqueness,
We are alive in this Moment.